Important Articles and Speeches
NABM President Gacos Named to NAMA Board
Nicky Gacos Elected to NAMA Board – Congratulations to Nicky Gacos, President of the National Association of Blind Merchants, who was recently elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA). NAMA is the trade organization that represents the interests of the nation’s vending industry.NABM DAY on The Hill
NABM DAY on The Hill Blind Entrepreneurs Educate Members of Congress On May 22, 2018, over 100 blind entrepreneurs got off of buses on Independence Avenue in front of the Rayburn House Office Building and following a Congressional Breakfast spread out over Capitol Hill to educate their members of Congress about the Randolph-Sheppard Program. The message was that blind entrepreneurs can own and operate succe
Resolution 2017-16
Regarding the Commercialization of Interstate Rest Areas
Proponent: 2017-16
Braille Readers are Leaders
Braille is Vital to Literacy for the Visually Impaired
Please read the article titled "Braille is Vital to Literacy for the Visually Impaired" by Gwen Sadler, for additional information about braille readers.
National Federation of the Blind and NAMA: Building on their advocacy work together

From Left: Jesse Hartle, Government Programs Specialist, National Federation of the Blind; Nicky Gacos, President of the Natio
A Rock and a Hard Place
A Rock and a Hard Place: Blind Vendors and Government Officials Debate Menu Mandates
White House Announces Janet LaBreck as Rehabilitation Services Administration Commissioner
Posted on February 7, 2013