A Rock and a Hard Place: Blind Vendors and Government Officials Debate Menu Mandates
10/03/13 at 07:49 PM | by Kevan Worley
The fastest growing thicket of regulations mandating "healthy" vending in federal, state, and local facilities was the focus of a panel discussion at the National Association of Blind Merchants' recent 2013 Business Leadership and Superior Training (BLAST) conference, held at the Marriott Downtown Hotel in Indianapolis. The "healthy vending" panel moderated by Vending Times Senior Editor Emily Jed, brought together nutrition experts from government agencies and other health advocates, along with blind vendor operators. All are members of the Randolph-Sheppard Healthy Vending Work group, recently established by National Association of Blind Merchants executive director Kevan Worley.
Who will be the Randolph-Sheppard leaders of tomorrow? Who will step up and help preserve the Program for future generations of blind people? Where are our future advocates? Where are the blind entrepreneurs who will set the example and find creative solutions to new challenges the next quarter century?