Jersey Mini Blast, 2019

NABM Announces Jersey Mini BLAST

NABM has implemented a plan to conduct a BLAST (Business Leadership and Superior Training) Conference every 18 months rather than every year. That means no BLAST in 2019. However, NABM President Nicky Gacos and the Board of Directors have heard from blind entrepreneurs, SLA staff, and our purveyors that 18 months is too long. So, the Board has found a compromise. NABM is announcing its first ever Mini BLAST to be held September 25-27, 2019 at Harrah’s Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

The conference will be held in conjunction with Vistar’s large northeast show. There will be over 150 exhibitors at that show. Plus, equipment suppliers technology companies, and others will be there exclusively to show their products and services to BLAST attendees.

Registration is now open. The registration fee is $100 and you can register on-line at ______. A room block has been set aside for $99 per night. That rate is good only for September 24, 25, and 26. It is NOT good on the weekend. To book your room, you can go to  or call 1-888-.516-2215.  The Group Name is RSA and the Group Code is SHO9VVD. 

We will begin our training at approximately 1:00 PM on Wednesday, September 24 with a preconference Randolph-Sheppard 101 seminar by Terry Smith followed by separate roundtable sessions for Elected Committee members and SLA staff. General sessions begin at 4:00 P.M. and the training will continue all day on Thursday. We have already confirmed some outstanding speakers.  Exhibits open late Thursday and are open all day Friday.

Unfortunately, Atlantic City is not the easiest place to fly to. Spirit Airlines flies in there. Philadelphia is the closest major airport. Super Shuttle is available and depending upon the time of day, Uber is as low as $99.00.  There is also a train that runs between the 2 cities. We will hopefully be sending out more information about travel options in the coming weeks.

Mark your calendars and make plans to be with for what promises to be a fantastic conference.